Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information is accurate, practice in this field is constantly evolving. If you have concerns about any information please contact us. Listing and links to websites and resources should not be seen as an endorsement. Although regular checks are made, the availability of linked pages cannot be guaranteed.
We would like to keep this page as relevant and up to date as possible. Do let us know if you are aware of any resources that we might include. Please note that we only include resources with direct relevance to the end-of-life and bereavement support for people with learning disabilities.
We have now included information and resources related to coronavirus. People with learning disabilities will be particularly affected by the challenges of illness, death and bereavement from coronavirus. This information changes quickly and may be different depending on where you live.
Covid 19
About learning
/ intellectual
Palliative care and
learning disability
Pain and distress
End of life
care plannning
/ Advance
Care Planning /
funeral planning
Breaking bad news
/ talking about
death and dying
Loss, grief
and mourning
Covid 19
There are various other places where you can find up-to-date guidance and resources. The following are good places to go to:
Easy-read resources about Covid-19
Coping with coronavirus picture books & guides free downloads from Books Beyond Words
Covid-19 guided self-help booklet series from Scottish Commission for Learning Disability
Coronavirus Poster Set from Photosymbols
Planning ahead / advance care planning
Jack plans ahead for coronavirus: a guide for family and carers free download from Books Beyond Words
Advance Care Planning Guidance for Coronavirus and Learning Disabilities from Mary Stevens Hospice and Dudley Voices for Choice
Bereavement support
When someone dies from coronavirus: a guide for family and carers free dowload from Books Beyond Words
Let’s talk about… when someone is ill or dies from coronavirus Resource to support conversations with people with learning disabilities online, from Books Beyond Words
Keeping in touch when you can’t be with someone who is so ill that they might die from National Bereavement Alliance
Resources and guidance for health and social care professionals
Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for health professionals and other organisations, from Public Health England
Guidance on protecting the most vulnerable people, from Public Health England
Visitor guidance from Public Health England (incl: people with learning disabilities can have one visitor if needed)
Providing community palliative care Various guidance documents available on the Resource page of the Royal College of General Practice, including symptom control and providing support to carers
Academic articles
Guidance for the treatment and management of COVID-19 among people with intellectual disabilities R.Alexander et al. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, May 2020
About learning disability / intellectual disability
Resources from the UK often use the term “learning disability”. Outside the UK, the term “intellectual disability” is commonly used.
Explanations of what learning/intellectual disability is:
Palliative care and learning disability
Delivering high quality end of life care for people who have a learning disability A guidance document produces jointly by NHS England and the PCPLD Network. Resources and tips for commissioners, service providers and health and social care staff providing, or delivering care to people with a learning disability at the end of their lives. Summary of the document
Overview | Care and support of people growing older with learning disabilities | Guidance | NICE This guideline covers care and support for adults with learning disabilities as they grow older.
Marie Curie booklets A series of easy-read booklets for people living with an illness that they will probably die from, and easy-read booklets for carers.
Widening Access to Palliative and End of Life Care for People with Intellectual Disabilities An open access online learning resource for health and social care professionals, hosted by All Ireland Institute of Hospice and Palliative Care (AIIHPC). You will need to register at first use.
The dying process A resource from Australia, designed for the general population. It explains what happens during the dying process.
Website of Irene Tuffrey-Wijne Professor of Intellectual Disability and Palliative Care, containing information on her publications and latest research.
Improving end of life care for people with learning disabilities: Resource pack Developed by interdisciplinary team in Nottinghamshire
Mike’s Journey: resource for developmentally disabled facing hospice care. Personal story of Mike (who died of cancer), written by his family in the USA.
Pain and distress
How social care staff can recognise and manage pain in people with learning disabilities A guide from Public Health England
Microsoft Word – My Pain Profile Nov 2018 Self reporting pain assessment tool
Microsoft Word – My Pain Profile Nov 2018 Pain profile with on the day assessment tool
Disability Distress Assessment Tool This tool is intended to help identify distress cues in people who because of cognitive impairment or physical illness have severely limited communication. It is usable by any carer, both lay and professional.
End of life care plannning / Advance Care Planning / funeral planning
End Of Life Care Planning | The Victoria And Stuart Project end of life planning toolkit with resources and approaches to support staff with end of life care planning with people with learning disabilities
No Barriers Here© – Advance Care Planning No Barriers Here is a unique and innovative approach to advance care planning for people and communities who experience inequity accessing palliative and end of life care
Glancing back, thinking forward: End of life care planning for people with intellectual disabilities Guidance and a template document to write down end of life choices from the Trinity Centre for Ageing and Intellectual Disability, Ireland
Advance care planning toolkit: guidance for staff working with young people with learning disabilities developed by University of Surrey.
Easy-read summary of the toolkit
Easy-read end of life care plans: templates
When I die An example of a completed end of life book from Sunderland People First
Living well: Using person centred thinking tools with people who have a life limiting illness A demonstration of how person-centred planning tools can be applied to end of life.
“What if”: celebrating my life Advance care plan and funeral plan from North East Lincolnshire NHS Care Trust
Breaking bad news / talking about death and dying
How to break bad news to people with intellectual disabilities Website with information and training materials for care givers of people with learning disabilities on how to break bad news. There is also a book by Irene Tuffrey-Wijne (2013)
The Books Beyond Words series Books designed for people with learning disabilities, using only pictures. This can help people understand what is happening, ask questions and make sense of their own experiences, including emotions. Relevant titles include:
Am I going to die?
Getting on with cancer
Anne has dementia
Talking end of life with people with intellectual disability A website from Australia containing information, training materials and resources on teaching people with learning disabilities about end of life and death
Loss, grief and mourning
Making a difference toolkit- End of life healthcare A collection of resources from the UK designed for people with intellectual disability and caregivers.
Grief and bereavement Resources from Connectability Canada to support a client who is grieving, such as creating a book of memories and planning for the anniversary of a death.
Helping people with intellectual disabilities cope with loss Tips and resources for caregivers to assist people with intellectual disability cope with loss.
The Books Beyond Words series Books designed for people with learning disabilities, using only pictures. This can help people understand what is happening, ask questions and make sense of their own experiences, including emotions. Relevant titles include:
When Dad died
When Mum died
When somebody dies
BackPocketTeacher provides training & support for everyone who works with children & adults with learning disabilities/SEND
Leaflets and guidance from Public Health England
Bowel scope screening: an easy guide
Cervical screening: an easy guide
Breast screening programme: supporting women with learning disabilities Information for health professionals to support women with learning disabilities to access breast screening.
Cancer screening and people with learning disabilities Guidance to help health professionals, social care staff and family members to help someone with learning disabilities to be screened for cancer
Books Beyond Words
Pictorial books to help people with learning disabilities understand and cope with screening procedures
Keeping Healthy “Down Below” about having a smear test
Looking After My Breasts about breast screening
Looking After My Balls about testicular screening
How to join
Sorting out Patrick’s care
Mark Adams, a Community Learning Disability Nurse, shares his experiences with one of his clients.Patrick Simmons (not his real name) had moderate learning disabilities and lived on his own. Patrick had no family, and relied greatly on professional supporters and a...
Keeping Frank at home
When Frank was diagnosed with lung cancer, Macmillan Nurse Christine Reddall was called to his care home to offer support. She was impressed by how home manager Lisa Quinlan and her team managed to care for him. Here, she tells Frank’s story: an example of outstanding...