The PCPLD Network is a charity, run by volunteers throughout the UK. Donations to the charity will be spent fully on supporting our work.


Donate up to £20 by text (UK only)

Send a text message PCPLD followed by the amount to 70085

For example: PCPLD5 or PCPLD10 or PCPLD15 or PCPLD20


Donate by making a direct bank transfer

You can donate directly into our bank account. Our bank details are:

Name: PCPLD Network
Account number: 02371249
Sort code: 30-91-49

Donate by post

If you prefer to make a donation by cheque, please make it payable to “PCPLD Network” and send to:

PCPLD Network
North Beneknowle






How to join

Sorting out Patrick’s care

Sorting out Patrick’s care

Mark Adams, a Community Learning Disability Nurse, shares his experiences with one of his clients.Patrick Simmons (not his real name) had moderate learning disabilities and lived on his own. Patrick had no family, and relied greatly on professional supporters and a...

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Keeping Frank at home

Keeping Frank at home

When Frank was diagnosed with lung cancer, Macmillan Nurse Christine Reddall was called to his care home to offer support. She was impressed by how home manager Lisa Quinlan and her team managed to care for him. Here, she tells Frank’s story: an example of outstanding...

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Read our new easy read and plain English newsletter. Some of the things we talk about:

-what is LeDeR and why is it important  
-health and care passports 

Please see the link below and also complete our feedback from

Our AGM is being held next Thursday on 23rd Jan. All members invited - keep an eye out for an email invite from us with joining details…..

To all our members: we are currently in the process of updating our membership directory. If you have changed email address since first joining, please could you update your details via our new website under the ‘how to join’ section. Thank you!

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